Knowing they wanted to redesign their website and overhaul their user experience, Printfresh approached us after seeing our portfolio of Shopify redesign projects.
Printfresh wanted to create a more polished online experience for their customers that matched their brand. The previous website had become outdated and didn’t showcase their beautiful products in the way that they wanted.
Shopify store audit
We carried out a Shopify store audit for Printfresh to highlight key areas that needed to be improved to increase customer journey flow and the overall aesthetic of the website.
Their old website was causing issues with how users were shopping and navigating to find products. With a lack of cohesive branding and issues displaying products, we presented a range of potential new designs and store layouts based on their branding and how their users shop.
Bringing a new Shopify Store to life
Throughout the design phases, we worked cloesly with the Printfresh development team to ensure optimal functionality and brand consistency. As the Printfresh team was handling the development, we created concise guides to ensure a smooth handover and maximum effectiveness when pairing the new design with the back-end functionality of the store.
Shopify Cart & Checkout Redesign
The most important page of any Shopify store is the checkout proces and how visitors make a purchase.
We created a really simple, easy to use layout for the Printfresh cart and checkout process. The slideout cart allows users to complete their purchase easily by just clicking to go to the checkout or simply clicking away to continue shopping.