Careers at Rainy City Agency

We’re not going to try and put you in a box. We're the ones who think the box is overrated and that rules are meant to be broken. If you're nodding your head right now, thinking "these are my people," then keep reading.

Not just another day job

Work doesn't have to be your reason to live, but you should be able to get excited about what you get to do every day. We’re not saying our office is as good as a greasy kebab after a Friday night out, but we’re also not not saying that. We like to think we're pretty close ;) 

Ordinary is not our style

Breakfast on us, because why not? Tacos for breakfast? On Fridays, your wish is our command. Dancing on tables might be off-limits (for the most part), but we encourage everything else that makes you, well, you.

Why you'll love it here

We'll be your biggest cheerleaders, your harshest critics (in a good way), and your partners in crime. We'll challenge you to be better every day, and we'll be right there beside you, learning and growing too.

We take your creativity seriously

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis et nisl ex. Quisque posuere, augue sit amet aliquam euismod, elit sapien commodo turpis, in elementum enim risus ac eros. Quisque et blandit sapien. Praesent vitae neque mollis, vestibulum ligula vel, faucibus nulla. Mauris vitae nibh tempus, volutpat eros vitae, dapibus neque. Mauris purus diam, mattis sit amet mi sit amet, volutpat cursus orci. Sed eget elit justo. Nullam sollicitudin, eros sed malesuada interdum, odio enim commodo risus, eget bibendum enim metus sit amet justo. Maecenas tempor, dui vel sodales aliquam, orci eros scelerisque tortor, a fermentum magna sem sed tellus. Donec vel nunc a sapien consectetur vulputate. In condimentum massa lectus, blandit interdum justo egestas id. Phasellus efficitur tristique nunc, et ultrices mi sollicitudin a.

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Flexibility that actually means

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis et nisl ex. Quisque posuere, augue sit amet aliquam euismod, elit sapien commodo turpis, in elementum enim risus ac eros. Quisque et blandit sapien. Praesent vitae neque mollis, vestibulum ligula vel, faucibus nulla. Mauris vitae nibh tempus, volutpat eros vitae, dapibus neque. Mauris purus diam, mattis sit amet mi sit amet, volutpat cursus orci. Sed eget elit justo. Nullam sollicitudin, eros sed malesuada interdum, odio enim commodo risus, eget bibendum enim metus sit amet justo. Maecenas tempor, dui vel sodales aliquam, orci eros scelerisque tortor, a fermentum magna sem sed tellus. Donec vel nunc a sapien consectetur vulputate. In condimentum massa lectus, blandit interdum justo egestas id. Phasellus efficitur tristique nunc, et ultrices mi sollicitudin a.

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Perks that actually feel perky

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis et nisl ex. Quisque posuere, augue sit amet aliquam euismod, elit sapien commodo turpis, in elementum enim risus ac eros. Quisque et blandit sapien. Praesent vitae neque mollis, vestibulum ligula vel, faucibus nulla. Mauris vitae nibh tempus, volutpat eros vitae, dapibus neque. Mauris purus diam, mattis sit amet mi sit amet, volutpat cursus orci. Sed eget elit justo. Nullam sollicitudin, eros sed malesuada interdum, odio enim commodo risus, eget bibendum enim metus sit amet justo. Maecenas tempor, dui vel sodales aliquam, orci eros scelerisque tortor, a fermentum magna sem sed tellus. Donec vel nunc a sapien consectetur vulputate. In condimentum massa lectus, blandit interdum justo egestas id. Phasellus efficitur tristique nunc, et ultrices mi sollicitudin a.

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What we're looking for Hint: it's not a specific degree

We don't care if you went to Harvard or the school of hard knocks. We don't care if your resume is printed on fancy paper or if it's a crumpled napkin. What we care about is your passion, your drive, your natural talent and your ability to think differently.

We're looking for people who aren't afraid to speak up, who are always looking for a better way, who can handle the occasional shot (ok, pint) of sarcasm and who can find humour in even the most stressful situations. Because trust us, there will be stressful situations. But, with a team like ours, that's when the real fun starts.

Hear from the RCA team

Meet some of the great people you could be working with and hear what they think about Rainy City and the working culture we promote

Sarah | Head of Design
"I love working at RCA! It's great to be in an enthusiastic and talented team. Working across a vast variety of projects means no day is ever the same and it's amazing to see the agency go from strength to strength."
Nathan | Head of Web
"I love working at Rainy City becuase we encourage professionala nd personal growth. The flexible working manner at Rainy City and company culture keeps every day fun and fresh"
Molly | Events & Marketing
RCA gives me opportunities to attend industry events as well as learning activities which have been beneficial for my personal and professional development.
David | Project Manager
Working at RCA is rewarding and easy to growyour skills, they have flexible hours so you can also do life tasks. Also a low of events & trips throughout the year

Sound like you? Let's talk

If you're thinking, "where has this agency been all my life?" We already like you. Shoot your CV to