How To Guarantee You’re Using The Right Messaging

Article by: Peter CarterNovember 29, 19

We love Yotpo’s review app for Shopify and always recommend it for our clients. It has a whole host of benefits that help increases sales and conversions and we’ve found it to be the most solid review app out of the bunch.

The social proof element of seeing someone else comment on what they liked about your product, their experience with your brand or even how fast shipping was has a huge impact on conversions and we like to pay attention to the data we get from the app to take it one step further.

There’s no better way to connect with your target audience than by using language and terminology that they respond to and there’s a great trick we use to get this conclusive data.

We recommend getting at least 100+ reviews so the data is solid and then using the export feature within the Yotpo app in Shopify to export all of the reviews into a CSV.

Next, head over to or similar and paste in the review titles and body text and look at the top ten most frequently used words or phrases.

This is the exact language our target audience speaks and we can use this across our Shopify product page copy, email marketing, advertising campaigns and even on the phone!

Subconsciously, people will instantly connect with us and we will find it very easy to understand how what we’re offering will help them. Give it a try!

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